One of Matthew's favorite books is "The Tooth Book" by Dr. Seuss. One of the characters in the book is Billy Billings. The only passage about Billy Billings is "Don't gobble junk like Billy Billings. They say his teeth have fifty filling!!" Those 13 words have made quite an impression on Matthew for some reason. In his mind "50 fillings" is a very bad boy.
When he is trying to figure out if something is OK, he will ask me "does 50 fillings do this?" It started out making sense why he would ask. He'd ask "does 50 fillings eat cookies?" and I would explain that 50 fillings ate lots of junk food, and yes cookies are junk food. Well this line of thought is out of control now. Matthew will ask "does 50 fillings take naps, use the potty, take baths, clean up his room...." any thing that Matthew knows he SHOULD do, but doesn't enjoy doing.
I love his innocence.
Actually that was one of his Theo. LeSieg books.